Sunday, October 17, 2010

Welcome to the Silver Screen

It contributes more than 180 billion dollars annually to the United States economy and supports a force of over 2.4 million workers in our nation (*). The film industry is not only extremely far reaching, but tremendously influential on society as well.

Movie stars are idolized by millions of people world-wide, simply through their actions on the movie screen. Yet, what is more intriguing is how the film industry dictates behavior of its audiences and members of society. Take for instance the rating system (G, PG, PG-13, etc.) that the film industry uses to categorize movies. On the surface, this seems to most as a way for parents to deter their children from possibly viewing inappropriate actions. However, by imposing this rating system the film industry not only influences parents on how to raise their children, but it also forbids members of society to act in ways that they would otherwise desire to partake in. Croteau and Hoyness describe this idea further when they write “Like all structures, they have been developed by humans and, subsequently, enable and limit human action” (302). Just as the film industry enables humans to enjoy experiences at home or in the theater, it also limits humans to what they can experience through the content of the film and through the rating system imposed on all movies.

Take a look at an interview with Roger Ebert about the film indusrty:



  1. Very interesting post you got here.
    Have you ever wondered about how the rating system can also be a form of marketing? I remember when I was younger, getting tickets into a R-rated movie was a big deal. If the commercial said that it was rated R, all my friends and I would talk about how good the movie must be if it was restricted to us.

  2. Interesting Topic. I like cathys point. interesting observation on how the rating system can be used as a marketing tool. I also was excited to get into adult rated films.

  3. I believe directors feel an obligation to influence society the way that they see the world, and the best way to influence people is to tell them a story that they would find interesting. I definitely agree that the rating system is an interesting topic in the form of a medium because themes of movies do vary from lower to higher when the world's biggest issues are addressed.

  4. I like your argument. I know parents that don't allow their children watch movie because of the rating and later complain that it wasn't that bad. The industry has certainly put restriction upon us. But again, the idea of what came first arises. Have the industry restricted us or have we restricted it.
